Tuesday Jun 04, 2024

139. My #1 Tip to Finding Freedom as a Frontline Manager

Have you signed up for my FREE workshop? It’s going down Thursday, Jun 6, 2024, at 5 pm CST.  Grab your spot today at https://gracefilledleader.com/workshop


In a recent interview, I shared a bit of my personal story and leadership journey.  I shared the transformation that inspired me to do this work of podcasting and Christian Life coaching on top of my full time role as a leader.  


As I talked through my story, I became tremendously grateful for how I feel inside today as compared to how I felt just a few years ago.  The most appropriate word that came to mind was FREE…. I feel a freedom that I had not felt in my entire life.  So today, I want to share my #1 tip when it comes to finding freedom as a frontline leader…someone who leads frontline workers.


Both as a frontline leader and now as a director, the thing that, in many ways, is a gifting has also brought me the most angst as a leader.   I care about people.   I care about how people are feeling, thinking, and behaving.   For too long, I cared far too deeply about what people where thinking and feeling about me. 


The culmination of years of over-functioning, the pandemic, and the shift we see in the workplace had me in a really dark place a few years ago.  I was ready to hang up my career entirely.  Have you been there, my leader friends?  Do you find yourself feeling anxious as you walk through the door, dreading whatever issues await you?  I feel you at the deepest level of my being!


But there is hope!   Tune in to hear more!


I hope this episode blesses you!



Episode Resources:


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5 Ways To Connect With Me:

1️⃣ FREE CALL: Book your FREE 30-Minute Coaching Call now! Get personalized and practical strategies for work-life balance. Start your grace-filled life and leadership journey ➡︎https://gracefilledleader.com/workwithme


2️⃣ FACEBOOK: Become part of our Supportive Facebook Group. Connect, share, and learn with others navigating life and leadership ➡︎ https://gracefilledleader.com/community


3️⃣ TIME MANAGEMENT: Grab my FREE Time Audit Templates! It's your key to organizing and optimizing your time ➡︎ https://time-audit-tool-sign-up-94896.grwebsite.com/


4️⃣ COACHING: Are you READY to have better Work-Life BALANCE? Are you ready to up-level your leadership? Sign up for 1-on-1 Christian Life Coaching. It’s the accountability and guidance you need to make real progress ➡︎ https://gracefilledleader.com/coaching 


5️⃣CONTACT: Ask me a question or leave a comment about the show ➡︎ https://gracefilledleader.com/contact



"Yes! Finally, a podcast helping others become the thriving leaders they’re meant to be outside of hustle-culture! This is an amazing resource! Thank you so much for sharing and helping us become Spirit-driven, peaceful leaders!" 

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Time Management Makeover Workshop waitlist: 



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