Tuesday Nov 14, 2023

84. _10_Symptoms of High Functioning Anxiety 😰and What to Do About It.

Have you ever been described as or described yourself as being a perfectionist, people-pleaser, Type A personality, over-achiever, or do you find yourself in a perpetual state of “busyness”? I hate to break it to you, but these might be some indicators that you struggle with high-functioning anxiety. 


No need for shame, friend.  I have been there for more years than I can count.  The Lord has shown me so much more freedom from this and it has transformed my life.  I love to help other women find freedom from similar struggles. 


High-functioning anxiety, sometimes referred to as “hidden” or “smiling” anxiety, is a term used to describe individuals who experience anxiety symptoms but manage to function well in their daily lives. While they may appear calm and composed on the outside, they often struggle with inner turmoil.


Before we can do anything to prevent or correct our anxiety, we first have to recognize it and understand it.   Today we are talking about the _10__symptoms of high-functioning anxiety, some common causes or risk factors, and some strategies that will allow for a more calm and peaceful existence.


If any of today’s episode rings true for you, know that you are not alone and there is hope.  I would love to chat more with you, one on one.  Bop over to gracefilledleader.com to book a free discovery session with me. But, don’t forget to come back here and have a listen as we dive into today’s topic!


I hope this episode blesses you!




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