The Grace Filled Leader | Time Management, Mindset, Faith, Productivity, Emotional Intelligence, Whole Health, Enneagram Types
**Top 1.5% globally ranked podcast** for Women in Healthcare who want to Lead Well & Live Healthier Do you want better work-life balance? Do you get stuck in patterns of perfectionism and people-pleasing? Have you always been an overachiever but never really felt good enough, no matter how much outward success you achieve? Do you want MORE TIME for the things that matter most? Well, you are in the right place! Here on the Grace filled Leader podcast, we focus on Spirit-Driven success and share the secrets to having better work-life balance as a busy woman in leadership. Here you will learn how to set boundaries like a boss, find peace of mind, and reclaim your time for the things that matter most. Hi. I’m Tanya, a wife, mom, leader and Certified Christian Life Coach For most of my life, I tried to find worthiness through achievement. I spent decades people-pleasing and pouring myself into my work. I was looking for my value through the approval of others. This led me to feel burned out, empty, and exhausted. I had no time or energy for myself or my family. I realized that I was wasting time and energy looking for validation in the wrong places. My life changed when I finally surrendered, and God showed me a different way! It is my MISSION to help you start living the abundant life God has for you! This faith-led podcast will teach you time management, self-care, soul-care and practical leadership strategies to help you navigate life and leadership, God’s way. If you’re ready to become Fueled by Grace and Find Freedom from People-pleasing, if you’re ready to MULTIPLY YOUR TIME AND IMPACT as a Christian woman in leadership, if you are ready to Live and Lead WELL, this podcast is for you! Roll up your sleeves, Sister Friends! It’s time to get after it! FREE Discovery Session: Ask Tanya a question: FREE Community: FREE Resources: Email:

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Happy Birthday to my baby! 🥳
A year ago today, I launched my first episode. I can’t believe it. I have been so blessed by the people across the globe that have listened to the show, left reviews and just affirmed this calling on my heart. I am definitely a work in progress, but I have felt the Spirit moving in so many ways over the past year. It has been truly transformational.
I wanted to use today’s episode to just share some praise reports, some of the most popular episodes and what is on my heart for my listeners.
Some of our most popular episodes in case you are new to the show or just want to go back and listen again:
Top 10 of all time:
Welcome to The Grace Filled Leader (trailer)
Introducing the Grace Filled Leader Podcast-Inspiration for the Podcast and 3 Steps to Freedom in Your Life and Leadership
Surrender-The Key to Finding Peace and Getting UNSTUCK in Your Life and Leadership
5 Mistakes to Avoid as a New Leader
Who Am I and Why am I here? Truth and Lies about Your Identity
10 Qualities of a Great Leader 🏆
People Pleasing...Where Does It Come From?! 🤔
Boundary Setting for People Pleasers, Why is it So Difficult?
How to Be an Effective Female Leader without Compromising your Values.
⏳Time Management Series: Learn How to Prioritize Your Time as a Busy Professional Woman.
Top 10 in the past 6 months:
3 Ways to Demonstrate Integrity in Leadership.
32.💗 Growing In a Heart Knowledge of Who I Am In Christ
Are Distractions Derailing Your Productivity? My #1️⃣Secret to Doing More in Less Time.
Walking As a Daughter of the King 👑(Part 1) with Angela Thornton
Imposter Syndrome in Leadership: What Is It? 🤔
Lacking Confidence in Your Leadership Skills? Try These 5 Things.
WELCOME To The Grace Filled Leader Podcast!
Walking as A Daughter of the King 👑(Part 2) with Angela Thornton
Imposter Syndrome in Leadership: 5 Strategies To Overcome It.
✝️ Grace and Faith Friday: Biblical Instruction for Integrity.
I hope this episode blesses you!
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If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast. This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
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Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Do you allow yourself to dream? Are your dreams big or small? Coming from a background of scarcity and living too often in fear of failure instead of faith in the unfathomable, I have not often allowed myself to dream, especially not big dreams. However, I am learning that God wants us to dream because he has very big plans for our lives… plans that may seem impossible to us but are definitely possible for God.
I recently had the opportunity to get away for a women’s dream planning retreat in beautiful San Diego. It was such a wonderful experience to be with other women who were willing to be vulnerable in sharing their God-sized dreams and to be courageous enough to keep dreaming things that are only possible because of the awesome God that we serve.
It got me thinking about the importance and value of having dreams. Too often, we think that it is a waste of time or self-indulgent to think about and pursue our dreams. But actually, dreaming is extremely important and beneficial when it comes to living abundant and successful lives. Today I am sharing 5 reasons why it is so very important to dream as a Christian woman in leadership.
I hope this episode blesses you!
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If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast. This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Have you ever been described as or described yourself as being a perfectionist, people-pleaser, Type A personality, over-achiever, or do you find yourself in a perpetual state of “busyness”? I hate to break it to you, but these might be some indicators that you struggle with high-functioning anxiety.
No need for shame, friend. I have been there for more years than I can count. The Lord has shown me so much more freedom from this and it has transformed my life. I love to help other women find freedom from similar struggles.
High-functioning anxiety, sometimes referred to as “hidden” or “smiling” anxiety, is a term used to describe individuals who experience anxiety symptoms but manage to function well in their daily lives. While they may appear calm and composed on the outside, they often struggle with inner turmoil.
Before we can do anything to prevent or correct our anxiety, we first have to recognize it and understand it. Today we are talking about the _10__symptoms of high-functioning anxiety, some common causes or risk factors, and some strategies that will allow for a more calm and peaceful existence.
If any of today’s episode rings true for you, know that you are not alone and there is hope. I would love to chat more with you, one on one. Bop over to to book a free discovery session with me. But, don’t forget to come back here and have a listen as we dive into today’s topic!
I hope this episode blesses you!
Related Episodes:
15. Boundary Setting for People Pleasers, Why is it So Difficult?
21. People Pleasing…Where Does it Come From?
22. People Pleasing: What are the Consequences as a Christian Woman?
32. Growing In a Heart Knowledge of Who I Am In Christ
55. When Is It Ok to Say ”NO” to God-Honoring Work?
64. 3 Steps to Manage Anxiety as a Christian Woman in Leadership
68. 10 Steps to Break Free From People-Pleasing
74. 4 Steps to Create Space for Grace™️ In Your Life and Leadership
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If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast. This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Those of you who know me know that I cry very easily when it comes to things that I am passionate about or people I care about. I think that is part of who I am, I wear my heart on my sleeve I guess. I like to think it is more about loving people deeply and being authentically compassionate.
That being said, I also have a history of being emotionally triggered by my vulnerabilities. If I felt self-doubt, fear or criticism, I struggled to control my emotions. I am still not immune but have seen a big transformation in this area. As one might expect, along with that, I have seen a lot of growth in my emotional intelligence.
In Episode #82 I talked about emotional intelligence and how essential it is in leadership. For today’s podcast, I wanted to dive a little deeper into the personal aspects of emotional intelligence and the journey I have been on.
I hope this episode blesses you!
Don’t forget that November is birthday party month here at the Grace Filled Leader podcast and you need to get your name in the hat for our birthday drawing. You could win a beautiful 2024 Dream Planner with all the extras! This is a $65 value that could be all yours just by leaving a 5-star rating and written review on apple podcast or sharing the show with a friend and then posting a screenshot of your review or share in the Facebook community or via email!
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If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast. This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
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Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
Tuesday Nov 07, 2023
If you had something you needed to get off your chest and you needed to talk to someone you know would listen, understand and help you feel better, who would that be? What makes them your go-to person? Chances are, that person has a fairly high EQ…they likely have a high level of emotional intelligence.
But what does that even mean? And how is developing your emotional intelligence essential for effective leadership? Well that is what we are talking about today.
Emotional intelligence in leadership is about recognizing the impact of emotions on oneself and others, and using this understanding to create a positive, productive, and supportive work environment. Leaders who prioritize emotional intelligence often enjoy more successful relationships with their team members and are better positioned to lead their teams to success.
Tune in to hear about the 4 key elements of emotional intelligence and the impact of developing high EQ in your leadership and for the teams you lead.
I hope this episode blesses you!
Related Episode: Episode 13: PMS: Do Hormones Affect Your Decision Making as a Woman in Leadership? 5 Steps to Avoid the Pitfalls that Hormone Fluctuations Can Cause.
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If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast. This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
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Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
In Episode 80, we talked about how we can get distracted with our time when we are overwhelmed and we don’t have solid systems in place to focus our time and thoughts. This got me to thinking about the spiritual application of distraction. There are many ways that the enemy tries to destroy us and if he can’t destroy us, he will distract us, trying to steal our attention away from God and God’s promises.
Distractions are designed to get you off course from God’s will. The enemy wants you so caught up in your own circumstances that you take your eyes off of Jesus. He does this to dilute the sovereignty and divine power of God in our minds. He wants us to think that our troubles are bigger than God.
The enemy lies, steals and seeks to destroy. His lies cause death and destruction.
“Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8) “He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44)
Tune in to listen to 8 ways the enemy tries to distract us away from God and His will for our lives.
I hope this episode blesses you!
Related Episode: Episode 37: Grace and Faith Friday: Replace the Enemy’s Lies with God’s Truth.
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Monday Oct 30, 2023
Monday Oct 30, 2023
Do you ever find that the more you have to do, and the more overwhelmed you start to feel, the more distracted you get and the less productive you are? Chances are, that is because you do not have an effective system for tackling your projects and tasks. Today I am going to share my secret to limiting distractions and getting more done in less time.
I have spent a fair amount of time gaining self-awareness and observing other professionals. I see the entire spectrum from people who function in complete “fight or flight”, fire-fighting, chaotic and reactive styles of leadership to well-oiled machines who are extremely prepared, proactive, and productive.
I started to pay more attention to the common traits among professionals who seemed to balance a lot of responsibility without being overwhelmed as compared to those who function in chaos. I began to adopt strategies that have progressively gotten me further away from a reactive state and more into a proactive state.
Tune in to hear more!
And…. If you want a deeper look into how I manage my time or need help developing your own strategies for getting more done in less time, I have a few 1:1 coaching slots available. Jump on a free 15-minute discovery call with me to learn how life and time management coaching can help you boost productivity and efficiency so that you can create better work-life balance.
I hope this episode blesses you!
Related Episode: Episode 17: Learn How to Prioritize Your Time as a Busy Professional Woman
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If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast. This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
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Friday Oct 27, 2023
Friday Oct 27, 2023
Today we are talking about perseverance through challenges. This past weekend, I and many of my team members were the medical support for a local marathon, and it inspired me to do this episode from a biblical perspective of our race this side of heaven.
Many times in the bible, our life as a Christian is described as a race. We are training for the eternal prize that awaits us, and each day presents new challenges that test our dependence on our power source. We know that God has provided the path we’re supposed to take, but sometimes we take detours and we mistakenly think that we are the source of our strength. In those moments, we stumble and discover the finite nature of our own human endurance. But, when we stay the course God has laid before us, we discover His infinite power to restore us and get us through the darkest moments. Sometimes we don’t know it when we are in it, but we see it in the rear view mirror…the ways in which God has been present through the entire journey.
If we are confused or uncertain of our steps and we want to better understand how we are meant to run this race of life, the Bible actually gives us our instruction. There are 3 principles when it comes to running the race God has set before us. Tune in to hear more!
I hope this episode blesses you!
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If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast. This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
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Monday Oct 23, 2023
Monday Oct 23, 2023
Are you struggling to keep up with your busy schedule? Finding it difficult to prioritize tasks and stay organized? If so, you are going to love today’s episode!
In today's fast-paced world, juggling multiple responsibilities can often feel overwhelming. But with the right tools and techniques, you can regain control of your time and maximize your productivity. A day planner is not just a notebook or calendar; it's a powerful tool that helps you strategize and make the most out of each day, week or year.
Today I am talking about how I use my paper day planner to help manage my time. Whether you're a student, a professional, or a busy parent, a well-structured day planner can bring increased productivity, improved focus, and reduced stress.
Stay tuned as I share a few practical tips, strategies, and insights to help you make the most of your day planner. Get ready to take charge of your time!
I hope this episode blesses you!
Related Episode: Episode 19: 4 Essential Components of Effective Time Management
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If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast. This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
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Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Today I am continuing my conversation with Polly Payne, founder and CEO of Horacio Printing. Polly is the creator of the most beautiful paper planners I have ever seen, among other amazing print products.
Polly has sold over 45,000 Dream Planners around the world and raised over $73,000 to fight human trafficking, through her partnership with A21. She launched her own Print School in 2022 to empower other dreamers to make their own bible studies, journals and planners! She is a big fan of empowering the next generation of creators!
In this part of our conversation, we talk about the importance of taking time to dream. I ask Polly what her perspective is on when to dream, when to plan, and when to let go. We also talk about some really great products and discounts you are going to want to grab quick!
You won’t want to miss all of the goodness in today’s conversation!
I hope this episode blesses you!
To Get More of Polly Payne:
Podcast: Dream Printing Podcast
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