The Grace Filled Leader | Time Management, Mindset, Faith, Productivity, Emotional Intelligence, Whole Health, Enneagram Types

**Top 1.5% globally ranked podcast** for Women in Healthcare who want to Lead Well & Live Healthier Do you want better work-life balance? Do you get stuck in patterns of perfectionism and people-pleasing? Have you always been an overachiever but never really felt good enough, no matter how much outward success you achieve? Do you want MORE TIME for the things that matter most? Well, you are in the right place! Here on the Grace filled Leader podcast, we focus on Spirit-Driven success and share the secrets to having better work-life balance as a busy woman in leadership. Here you will learn how to set boundaries like a boss, find peace of mind, and reclaim your time for the things that matter most. Hi. I’m Tanya, a wife, mom, leader and Certified Christian Life Coach For most of my life, I tried to find worthiness through achievement. I spent decades people-pleasing and pouring myself into my work. I was looking for my value through the approval of others. This led me to feel burned out, empty, and exhausted. I had no time or energy for myself or my family. I realized that I was wasting time and energy looking for validation in the wrong places. My life changed when I finally surrendered, and God showed me a different way! It is my MISSION to help you start living the abundant life God has for you! This faith-led podcast will teach you time management, self-care, soul-care and practical leadership strategies to help you navigate life and leadership, God’s way. If you’re ready to become Fueled by Grace and Find Freedom from People-pleasing, if you’re ready to MULTIPLY YOUR TIME AND IMPACT as a Christian woman in leadership, if you are ready to Live and Lead WELL, this podcast is for you! Roll up your sleeves, Sister Friends! It’s time to get after it! FREE Discovery Session: Ask Tanya a question: FREE Community: FREE Resources: Email:

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Monday Sep 11, 2023

If you are listening when this episode airs, it is September 11th, 2023.  22 years ago today marks a day in our nation’s history most of us will never forget.  We watched as our great nation was under attack.  Today is a little bit of a break from our typical subject matter, but I thought it worth remembering this day 22 years ago, juxtaposed against where we find ourselves today.  You may agree or disagree with some of my opinions and perspectives, and that’s absolutely ok, but I am going to be honest about what I remember about that day and our response as a nation and about what I am observing today.
I remember exactly what I was doing the morning of September 11th, 2001 when someone at work said we needed to turn on the television.  Everything stopped as we sat in silence and watched the first plane hit the world trade center, then the second, the people jumping to their deaths to escape the flames, and the two towers coming down, killing thousands of Americans.  It was absolutely incomprehensible.  I also remember the response that our nation had in the hours, days, weeks and months that followed. 
Sadly, I look at our nation today, and it feels anything but united.  But there is hope, and there is one thing that has the power to unite.   Tune in as I look at how things have changed since that day 22 years ago, and discuss the hope that we have for the future. 
I hope this episode blesses you!
2023 RENEWED Conference  (Register for FREE)
(I do get a small commission if you register with this affiliate link.)
GFL Resources:
 More Time Method Strategy Session
Christian Life Coaching with Tanya
Leave a Message for Tanya
Freebies: 7 Day Gratitude Journal
                  Time Audit Tool
Community: Christian Women in Leadership Community
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.

Friday Sep 08, 2023

Do you give unlimited access to your bank account? If not, why do we, as people-pleasers, tend to give unlimited access to our time, when it is such a precious resource?  Today we are discussing how to treat time with as much care as you do your bank account.
If you are someone who struggles to set boundaries around your time, if you say yes to too many requests for your time because you want to be seen as a good and responsible person, I can relate.  For most of my life, I struggled to say no to requests for my time, because I wanted to be perceived as a good person. 
As I have grown in my understanding of God’s character and his desires for our time, I have learned how to decide what warrants a yes and what requires a “no”.   I now help other professional women do the same.  If you could use some help in this area, head over to and grab a strategy session with me. 
I have talked about how time is our most valuable currency.  We cannot make more of it, and there comes a day when our time will run out.  When we think of currency, we generally think in terms of money.   Certainly, money is necessary to meet our basic needs, but once we have enough money to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table, think about what we are saving for and spending our money on.  Isn’t it most often life experiences? We are essentially earning money to exchange for time.
Tune in to hear more about how to steward your time, much like you steward your money.
I hope this episode blesses you!
2023 RENEWED Conference  (Register for FREE)
(I do get a small commission if you register with this affiliate link.)
GFL Resources:
 More Time Method Strategy Session
Christian Life Coaching with Tanya
Leave a Message for Tanya
Freebies: 7 Day Gratitude Journal
                  Time Audit Tool
Community: Christian Women in Leadership Community
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.

Monday Sep 04, 2023

Do you ever struggle with anxiety as a Christian woman in leadership?  I have shared in previous episodes that I, too, have had life-long challenges with anxiety.  The Lord has given me so much more freedom from anxiety than I have ever known.  However, it is always something the enemy tries to capitalize on with me. 
Today I am going to go over the 3 things that have been essential for me to keep anxiety at bay. 
These past few weeks have really forced me to be intentional with my battle plan.  And I am so grateful that God has given me more effective tools to manage my anxiety.  He has given us all the same tools,  but we have to be willing to pick them up and actually put them to use.  God’s word is very clear about what we need to know when it comes to worry and anxiety.  It tells us what the remedy is and what we can expect as an outcome if we follow God’s prescription.
When you follow the steps we talk about in this episode, God guarantees us a peace that surpasses all understanding.  And this peace will guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  Holy spirit will protect our minds and hearts and give us a peace that surpasses our human understanding.
I hope this episode blesses you!
GFL Resources:
 More Time Method Strategy Session
Christian Life Coaching with Tanya
Leave a Message for Tanya
Freebies: 7 Day Gratitude Journal
                  Time Audit Tool
Community: Christian Women in Leadership Community
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.

Friday Sep 01, 2023

Hey, Friend!
Today I am popping in to update you on where things are at with my newly re-started wellness and weight loss journey.  Remember, I have assigned you as my accountability partners (back in Episode 60).  Today I am going to review the 5 Habits I was starting with, let you know how I have been doing, and share some tips for success in your own wellness journey. 
Tune in for all the details!
I hope this episode blesses you!
P.S. Remember to jump on a More Time Strategy Session with me while we are offering 40% promotional pricing!  Https://
Related Episode: Episode 60:  Want to Lose Weight but Have No Time for Healthy Habits? 5 Hacks to Start Today.
GFL Resources:
Community: Christian Women in Leadership Community
Coaching:  Christian Life Coaching with Tanya
Time Management Coaching:  More Time Method Strategy Session
Leave me a question or comment for the show: Leave a Message for Tanya
Freebies: 7 Day Gratitude Journal
                  Time Audit Tool 
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.

Monday Aug 28, 2023

This week has given me several really important reminders about what is truly the cornerstone of effective and successful leadership. I wanted to pop in and share a little bit about that with you and give you some tips, and full on Truth with a capital T!
Building trust is hands down, 100% the cornerstone of effective leadership. Before you can hope to accomplish any of the goals you have for your team or your business, it is essential that you first prioritize building relationship and trust.
Being a leader is very different than being a boss. If your sole mission is to accomplish your agenda and control the team, and just be the boss of your department or business, I'm going to lay a bet that you are not going to have a very engaged team.
If you struggle with humility; if you have an intense need to be right or appear as if you don't make mistakes; if you try to suggest that every decision you make is the right one, you are absolutely going to erode the trust and respect of your team members.
It's really hard to be a leader, and it is really difficult to show humility.  But here’s the truth, a good leader needs to be ready to eat some crow sometimes. There are plenty of times in my leadership journey where I've had to do that or I should have done that. And if I had or when I did it actually built trust and respect with my team members. They need to know that you make mistakes, that you don’t have all of the answers, but you are committed to growing and learning what it means to lead them well.  Your team is essential to your success.  Your success is their success.
Tune in to hear more about the importance of trust in successful leadership.
I hope this episode blesses you!
GFL Resources:
 More Time Method Strategy Session
Christian Life Coaching with Tanya
Leave a Message for Tanya
Freebies: 7 Day Gratitude Journal
                  Time Audit Tool
Community: Christian Women in Leadership Community
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.

Friday Aug 25, 2023

What do you do when you literally don’t have enough time to do everything on your list? I help women learn how to create more time for the things that matter most to them, and still, I am not immune to the overwhelm that comes when we literally have so much on our plate, it is not humanly possible to do it all.  This week was some kind of weird week and I fell victim to my flesh and had an outright ugly cry due to overwhelm.
To be fair, this happens a lot less often than it ever used to because of the spiritual growth I have had and the strategies I have implemented.  Thankfully, I recover much more quickly from my momentary meltdowns because of it.  Nonetheless, I had a moment (or more) and it taught me a few things about what to do when I literally have too much on my to-do list.
Today I am sharing the 5 things I learned from my momentary meltdown, brought on by overwhelm.
I hope this episode blesses you!
P.S. If you struggle with perpetual overwhelm or a never-ending to do list that is squeezing the joy out of your life, I invite you to connect with me.  Let’s talk about how I can help you start to create the life God has for you.
Jump on a More Time Strategy Session with me.  
For a limited time, I am offering 40% off the typical price of a one-on-one session with me! 
GFL Resources:
 More Time Method Strategy Session
Christian Life Coaching with Tanya
Leave a Message for Tanya
Freebies: 7 Day Gratitude Journal
                  Time Audit Tool
Community: Christian Women in Leadership Community
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.

Monday Aug 21, 2023

Want to Lose Weight but have NO TIME for healthy habits?
Do you struggle to find time to prioritize your health?  Do you find yourself shopping for bigger sizes because you have gained weight and feel too overwhelmed to even think about exercising or meal planning?  
I have talked to so many professional women recently and observed some of physical changes in others, which confirmed what seems to be a common struggle.  I have noticed that as people take on leadership roles, there is often a progressive change in their physical appearance and demeanor.   They appear more fatigued, more stressed and seem to struggle a bit more with weight gain.   I am here to tell you I have also struggled with the same things.   Today I am here, asking for a friend, or lots of friends…    
This past year I have been putting just about everything else before my health, trying to balance work and family while also trying to build a coaching business.  Meanwhile, my midsection has been growing and my energy has been dwindling.  Let’s just say I am feeling uncomfortable enough that I need to move my health a little higher on the priority list, and I am making you my accountability partners.
If you find yourself needing to commit to some healthier habits that are realistic and attainable, I invite you to join me.  I am going to share some of the steps I take, I am going to be honest about my successes and struggles, and I am going to share what I learn along the way…  things that work and things that don’t work with the busy life I live.  
Today is Day One of sharing where I am starting (or re-starting) with my journey toward having a healthier body…I am starting with 5 habits that I am going to commit to.  These are habits that should be attainable and realistic for busy women like me (and you).
I hope this episode blesses you!
P.S. Remember to jump on a More Time Strategy Session with me while we are offering 40% promotional pricing!  Https://
GFL Resources:
Community: Christian Women in Leadership Community
Coaching:  Christian Life Coaching with Tanya
Time Management Coaching:  More Time Method Strategy Session
Leave me a question or comment for the show: Leave a Message for Tanya
Freebies: 7 Day Gratitude Journal
                  Time Audit Tool 
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.

Friday Aug 18, 2023

Happy Friday, my Friends!
Do you remember in Episode 53 we talked about creating a vision for your God-sized life?  Creating that vision is really the first step in understanding what is important to spend your time on.  From that vision, we can begin to look at our core values and priorities, which will be the gauge against which we weigh each decision of whether to say “yes” or “no” to requests for our time.
Imagine yourself living that vision. Now, for just a brief moment, imagine never reaching that vision.   Imagine continuing on in your busy and out of balance life.  How does that make you feel?   I don’t know about you, but that is not a place I want to stay.  I feel much better living the dream.
I am thinking about the priorities that exist in that space.  What are the things I need to focus on to get closer to that vision?   You need to ask yourself the same thing.   What are the areas of priority for spending your time now in order to move yourself toward your God-sized vision. 
I hope this episode blesses you!
P.S. Remember to jump on a More Time Strategy Session with me while we are offering 40% promotional pricing!  Https://
Related Episode:  Episode #53
Bergamo Campground
15661 Tom Jefferson Dr NW, Solway, MN 56678
Family Event; Free Admission
Featuring:  Presence Music, Adelaide, and 7eventh Time Down
GFL Resources:
Community: Christian Women in Leadership Community
Coaching:  Christian Life Coaching with Tanya
Time Management Coaching:  More Time Method Strategy Session
Leave me a question or comment for the show: Leave a Message for Tanya
Freebies: 7 Day Gratitude Journal
                  Time Audit Tool
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.

Monday Aug 14, 2023

Let me ask you a question.  When I say the word “productivity”, what is the first thought or feeling you have?  Do you think of it in positive terms or is it a dirty word in your world?  Personally, I feel best when I am efficient and productive.  I like to feel the sense of accomplishment that comes with checking things off of my project list, especially when it means I am able to find more time for the people and the things that fill me up.
Isn’t it ironic that when we talk about being productive at home or in the work that we assign ourselves, we generally think of it in a positive light, right?  Like if I can crank out content for 3 episodes instead of one, or I get all of my laundry done in one day, I am thrilled to have produced more with my efforts!
 If I can effectively use my time to accomplish more, I feel good about it.  But now on the flip side, when we think about productivity in the workplace and talk about it with those we lead, is it perceived as positive?  Often not.  Oftentimes, people perceive productivity to be a measure by which an organization pushes its people to work harder in order to make the company more money. 
So how do we shift that narrative so that our people don’t see productivity as another four-letter word in their vocabulary?  Today I am going to share a few tips that have helped me and my leaders, and will hopefully help you.
I hope this episode blesses you!
Bergamo Campground
15661 Tom Jefferson Dr NW, Solway, MN 56678
Family Event; Free Admission
Featuring:  Presence Music, Adelaide, and 7eventh Time Down
Community: Christian Women in Leadership Community
Coaching:  Christian Life Coaching with Tanya
Time Management Coaching:  More Time Method Strategy Session
Leave me a question or comment for the show: Leave a Message for Tanya
Freebies: 7 Day Gratitude Journal
                  Time Audit Tool
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.

Tuesday Aug 08, 2023

Today we are continuing our conversations with our super special guest, Juliana Page.  Juliana is host of the God’s Vibes podcast. She is a bestselling author, master certified life coach and minister of God's vibes. 
Juliana has researched and immersed herself in the professional life coaching, ministry, leadership, success conditioning and personal development fields.  From her obsession to determine what makes the difference in people's quality of life, she helps people understand their model of the world, how to change their story to change their lives, how to steward their impact and how to discover lasting fulfillment through contributing to the world in ways far beyond themselves.
Page serves as a leadership and self-mastery strategist for organizations, companies, entrepreneurs, and individuals.  Through her proven Spirit-Driven Success Method and The God's Vibes Mastermind program, Page delivers practical wisdom and tools that empower purpose, spiritual wholeness, sustainable health, financial freedom, and relational fulfillment.
Juliana is so obviously living and bearing witness to a life committed to obeying God’s call.  This woman is bearing fruit, my friends.  You do not want to miss part 2 of this powerful message from a courageous and powerful ambassador for Christ!
I know this episode will bless you BIG!  
Below are the links to find Juliana and all that she has to offer:
Podcast:  The God's Vibes Podcast
The Grace Filled Leader Resources:
Community: Christian Women in Leadership Community
Coaching:  Christian Life Coaching with Tanya
Time Management Coaching:  More Time Method Strategy Session
Leave me a question or comment for the show: Leave a Message for Tanya
Freebies: 7 Day Gratitude Journal
                  Time Audit Tool
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”

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