The Grace Filled Leader | Time Management, Mindset, Faith, Productivity, Emotional Intelligence, Whole Health, Enneagram Types

**Top 1.5% globally ranked podcast** for Women in Healthcare who want to Lead Well & Live Healthier Do you want better work-life balance? Do you get stuck in patterns of perfectionism and people-pleasing? Have you always been an overachiever but never really felt good enough, no matter how much outward success you achieve? Do you want MORE TIME for the things that matter most? Well, you are in the right place! Here on the Grace filled Leader podcast, we focus on Spirit-Driven success and share the secrets to having better work-life balance as a busy woman in leadership. Here you will learn how to set boundaries like a boss, find peace of mind, and reclaim your time for the things that matter most. Hi. I’m Tanya, a wife, mom, leader and Certified Christian Life Coach For most of my life, I tried to find worthiness through achievement. I spent decades people-pleasing and pouring myself into my work. I was looking for my value through the approval of others. This led me to feel burned out, empty, and exhausted. I had no time or energy for myself or my family. I realized that I was wasting time and energy looking for validation in the wrong places. My life changed when I finally surrendered, and God showed me a different way! It is my MISSION to help you start living the abundant life God has for you! This faith-led podcast will teach you time management, self-care, soul-care and practical leadership strategies to help you navigate life and leadership, God’s way. If you’re ready to become Fueled by Grace and Find Freedom from People-pleasing, if you’re ready to MULTIPLY YOUR TIME AND IMPACT as a Christian woman in leadership, if you are ready to Live and Lead WELL, this podcast is for you! Roll up your sleeves, Sister Friends! It’s time to get after it! FREE Discovery Session: Ask Tanya a question: FREE Community: FREE Resources: Email:

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Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

In this episode of the GFL podcast, we dive into the crucial step of putting your time audit findings into action. Building upon our previous discussion on time assessment, I guide you through a practical exercise to analyze your time allocation and identify areas for improvement. 
By creating a simple spreadsheet and calculating variances between your available awake hours and current commitments, you'll gain valuable insights into your time management habits.
Discover how to recognize signs of time deficit spending and explore strategies to achieve greater balance and fulfillment in your daily life. 
Don't miss out on actionable tips and insights to reclaim control of your time and embrace a more purposeful way of living.
I hope this episode blesses you!
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Time Audit Tool:
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Do you want to use the exact project management system I use to manage my time?
Meistertask is the BEST system I have found to manage EVERYTHING
Do you love a beautiful paper planner, simple bible study, or journal?  
Check out Horacio Printing (use coupon code GRACE15 at checkout to save 15%)
Do You want to get clear on what God is calling you to do?  
Clarify Your Calling with Stef Gass
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Podcast Pro University
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Podcast to Profit Mastermind
*I do get a small commission when you use one of the above affiliate links.

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

In today's episode, we dive into the parallels between budgeting time and budgeting money.
I'll admit, I geek out when it comes to balancing my checkbook, but I'm just as passionate about managing my schedule efficiently. After all, time and money are the twin engines that drive our daily lives. Yet, if we pause and reflect, time stands out as the most precious commodity—it's finite and irreplaceable.
In this discussion, we explore how the principles of balancing a budget can seamlessly apply to time management. Just as with money, the first step towards balance is cultivating awareness. It's about auditing what you have and how you're utilizing it.
Let’s unpack a few practical strategies to take control of your time and enhance productivity.
Tune in for insights that empower you to optimize both your time and finances.
I hope this episode blesses you!
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GFL Email Inbox Management System (pdf):
7 Day Gratitude Journal:
Time Audit Tool:
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.
Get direct access to the programs that have been essential to my success:
Do you want to use the exact project management system I use to manage my time?
Meistertask is the BEST system I have found to manage EVERYTHING
Do you love a beautiful paper planner, simple bible study, or journal?  
Check out Horacio Printing (use coupon code GRACE15 at checkout to save 15%)
Do You want to get clear on what God is calling you to do?  
Clarify Your Calling with Stef Gass
Do You want to start your own podcast?  
Podcast Pro University
Do you want to take your podcast to the next level?  
Podcast to Profit Mastermind
*I do get a small commission when you use one of the above affiliate links.

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

Do you want to learn how to budget to build wealth instead of living paycheck to paycheck?
Today we have super special guests on the show!  Shana & Vanessa, co-hosts of Financial Coaching for Women podcast, are in the house and breaking down budgeting into simple practical steps.
Many people find themselves caught in a cycle of earning and spending without truly understanding where their money is going.  By not planning and instead spending impulsively, we find ourselves in a perpetual state of financial chaos. 
Shana and Vanessa share their financial wisdom, allowing us to gain clarity and take concrete action toward financial freedom.
You will definitely want to tune in and take notes on this one, friends!
I hope this episode blesses you!
Get more golden wisdom from Shana and Vanessa:
Podcast:  Coaching Financial for Women
Do you want a friend and partner on your journey toward better work-life balance?  Let’s Chat!
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7 Day Gratitude Journal:
Time Audit Tool:
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.
Get direct access to the programs that have been essential to my success:
Do you want to use the exact project management system I use to manage my time?
Meistertask is the BEST system I have found to manage EVERYTHING
Do you love a beautiful paper planner, simple bible study, or journal?  
Check out Horacio Printing (use coupon code GRACE15 at checkout to save 15%)
Do You want to get clear on what God is calling you to do?  
Clarify Your Calling with Stef Gass
Do You want to start your own podcast?  
Podcast Pro University
Do you want to take your podcast to the next level?  
Podcast to Profit Mastermind
*I do get a small commission when you use one of the above affiliate links.

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

Let's talk about the elephant in the room—midlife. It's that stage of life where our kids are flying the nest, our bodies are playing a game of musical chairs, and our energy levels seem to have taken an extended vacation. But you know what? It's all part of the journey! 
Embracing midlife transitions means letting go of the past and embracing the beauty of the present moment. Sure, it might feel a little chaotic at times, but hey, life's an adventure, right? (Side note… this is me trying to talk myself into what I just told you.)
Today we apply the second part of the serenity prayer, “the courage to change the things I can”, to midlife.  
I hope this episode blesses you!
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7 Day Gratitude Journal:
Time Audit Tool:
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.
Get direct access to the programs that have been essential to my success:
Do you want to use the exact project management system I use to manage my time?
Meistertask is the BEST system I have found to manage EVERYTHING
Do you love a beautiful paper planner, simple bible study, or journal?  
Check out Horacio Printing (use coupon code GRACE15 at checkout to save 15%)
Do You want to get clear on what God is calling you to do?  
Clarify Your Calling with Stef Gass
Do You want to start your own podcast?  
Podcast Pro University
Do you want to take your podcast to the next level?  
Podcast to Profit Mastermind
*I do get a small commission when you use one of the above affiliate links.

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

Today, we're delving into the topic of finding serenity in surrender, especially when it comes to navigating the twists and turns of leadership and life.
Let's get real, ladies. How often do we find ourselves caught in the endless cycle of trying to control outcomes and worrying about things beyond our control? Whether it's micromanaging our teams at work or fretting over the future of our families, the cost of living in a state of fear and worry is steep. It drains our energy, steals our joy, and robs us of the present moment.
The Serenity Prayer has been something I have called upon often in my life and career, almost daily.  Today we are talking specifically about the first part of that prayer… “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change…”  We talk about the serenity that is available to us and how to apply it in our every day lives.
I hope this episode blesses you!
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7 Day Gratitude Journal:
Time Audit Tool:
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.
Get direct access to the programs that have been essential to my success:
Do you want to use the exact project management system I use to manage my time?
Meistertask is the BEST system I have found to manage EVERYTHING
Do you love a beautiful paper planner, simple bible study, or journal?  
Check out Horacio Printing (use coupon code GRACE15 at checkout to save 15%)
Do You want to get clear on what God is calling you to do?  
Clarify Your Calling with Stef Gass
Do You want to start your own podcast?  
Podcast Pro University
Do you want to take your podcast to the next level?  
Podcast to Profit Mastermind
*I do get a small commission when you use one of the above affiliate links.

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

*Permission to Not Be Perfect as a Career Woman and Mom*
Today’s episode was inspired by an interaction I had with a colleague recently.   It was just such a blessing to me and it was a perfect example of where we all find ourselves at one time or another as busy working moms. 
We battle the desire or pressure of being great at our professional roles and being great as a mom and wife.  Sometimes, the 3 just can’t happen at the same time.  Today is a little pause for me to stop and give you permission to not be perfect.  Tune in for the details of my exchange and what it means for you.
I hope this episode blesses you!
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Time Audit Tool:
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.
Get direct access to the programs that have been essential to my success:
Do you want to use the exact project management system I use to manage my time?
Meistertask is the BEST system I have found to manage EVERYTHING
Do you love a beautiful paper planner, simple bible study, or journal?  
Check out Horacio Printing (use coupon code GRACE15 at checkout to save 15%)
Do You want to get clear on what God is calling you to do?  
Clarify Your Calling with Stef Gass
Do You want to start your own podcast?  
Podcast Pro University
Do you want to take your podcast to the next level?  
Podcast to Profit Mastermind
*I do get a small commission when you use one of the above affiliate links.

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024

Today's topic is a real heart-to-heart about something that hits close to home for many of us as: that gut-wrenching feeling of wanting to throw in the towel when things get tough.
Being a leader isn't all sunshine and rainbows. In fact, most days it feels more like navigating a minefield blindfolded. There are setbacks, failures, and criticisms around every corner, and it's enough to make even the most resilient among us want to throw in the towel.
One of the biggest traps we fall into as leaders is the people-pleasing pitfall. We want everyone to like us, to approve of us, to pat us on the back and tell us we're doing a good job.  But here's the thing: when we're so focused on seeking validation from others, we lose sight of our true purpose as leaders.  Tune in as we dive deeper into this topic.
I hope this episode blesses you!
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If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.
Get direct access to the programs that have been essential to my success:
Do you want to use the exact project management system I use to manage my time?
Meistertask is the BEST system I have found to manage EVERYTHING
Do you love a beautiful paper planner, simple bible study, or journal?  
Check out Horacio Printing (use coupon code GRACE15 at checkout to save 15%)
Do You want to get clear on what God is calling you to do?  
Clarify Your Calling with Stef Gass
Do You want to start your own podcast?  
Podcast Pro University
Do you want to take your podcast to the next level?  
Podcast to Profit Mastermind
*I do get a small commission when you use one of the above affiliate links.

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

Today, I am using an example of a big audacious goal that some of you might relate to, and breaking it down into smaller projects and action steps.  This is to expand on what we talked about yesterday… taking our big goals and breaking it down into simple steps.
The example I am going to use is a big one: running a half marathon and shedding some pounds along the way. This is one that I have had and done in the past, but I have been off of the running and healthy weight train.  It has again become a big audacious goal that seems unattainable unless I break it down into baby steps.  
So, today I am breaking it down into manageable steps, hoping you can use this example and apply it to your own big goals.
I hope this episode blesses you!
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If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
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Do you want to use the exact project management system I use to manage my time?
Meistertask is the BEST system I have found to manage EVERYTHING
Do you love a beautiful paper planner, simple bible study, or journal? 
Check out Horacio Printing (use coupon code GRACE15 at checkout to save 15%)
Do You want to get clear on what God is calling you to do? 
Clarify Your Calling with Stef Gass
Do You want to start your own podcast? 
Podcast Pro University
Do you want to take your podcast to the next level? 
Podcast to Profit Mastermind
*I do get a small commission when you use one of the above affiliate links.

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024

Today, we're talking about how to turn big audacious goals into actionable plans. These goals ignite our passion and push us beyond our limits, but they can also seem overwhelming and out of reach.
But fear not! Today, we're going to peel back the layers of complexity and uncover the roadmap to success. So, grab your notebooks, because by the end of this episode, you'll be armed with the tools and strategies to conquer any challenge and turn your dreams into reality!
I hope this episode blesses you!
Help Me to Help You, and Get a FREE Gift!  Please complete the below survey to help me bring valuable content to you.  Every person who completes the survey will get a free coffee on me!
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If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.
Get direct access to the programs that have been essential to my success:
Do you want to use the exact project management system I use to manage my time?
Meistertask is the BEST system I have found to manage EVERYTHING
Do you love a beautiful paper planner, simple bible study, or journal? 
Check out Horacio Printing (use coupon code GRACE15 at checkout to save 15%)
Do You want to get clear on what God is calling you to do? 
Clarify Your Calling with Stef Gass
Do You want to start your own podcast? 
Podcast Pro University
Do you want to take your podcast to the next level? 
Podcast to Profit Mastermind
*I do get a small commission when you use one of the above affiliate links.

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

Today, we're diving into the powerful world of mindset and limiting beliefs. You know, those sneaky little thoughts that hold us back from reaching our full potential?"
"But fear not! Today, we're flipping the script and replacing those limiting beliefs with truths grounded in God's word.
We dive into the following topics:
Understanding Mindset
Identifying Limiting Beliefs
Replacing Limiting Beliefs with God’s Truth
Cultivating a Renewed Mindset
Stepping into Freedom
So grab your favorite Bible, cozy up, and let's dive into some soul-refreshing truths!"
I hope this episode blesses you!
Help Me to Help You, and Get a FREE Gift!  Please complete the below survey to help me bring valuable content to you.  Every person who completes the survey will get a free coffee on me!
2024 Listener Survey
Do you want a friend and partner on your journey toward better work-life balance?  Let’s Chat!
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7 Day Gratitude Journal:
Time Audit Tool:
If you enjoyed today’s episode, the best way you can thank me is to leave a 5-star rating and a written review on apple podcast.  This is the best way for other listeners to find the show and for me to know how best to serve you with the content you enjoy.
Click on “written review” link above, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on the little purple link that says “Write a Review”.
Get direct access to the programs that have been essential to my success:
Do you want to use the exact project management system I use to manage my time?
Meistertask is the BEST system I have found to manage EVERYTHING
Do you love a beautiful paper planner, simple bible study, or journal? 
Check out Horacio Printing (use coupon code GRACE15 at checkout to save 15%)
Do You want to get clear on what God is calling you to do? 
Clarify Your Calling with Stef Gass
Do You want to start your own podcast? 
Podcast Pro University
Do you want to take your podcast to the next level? 
Podcast to Profit Mastermind
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